Dialog, NCIS
"[Ziva is teacing knife throwing. Tony off to the side is eating Froot Loops and smirking]
Ziva: At Mossad we have a saying: Knives don't run out of bullets. Now, any questions pertaining to this class?
Tony: I've got one. You ever killed anyone with a spoon?
Ziva: No, but I'm seriously considering it."
Ziva: Hinky? What's hinky?
Tony: You know, like when your gut is telling you something.
Ziva: In my country we refer to that as gas.
Tony (looking at McGee asleep on the table): Do you have any superglue Abbs?
(Gibbs enters room and smacks tony on the head)
Gibbs: What did I tell you about that DiNozzo?
Tony: That, next time, the skin might not grow back?!
(Gibbs häller i kaffe i Jennys kopp från sin egen)
Jenny: That was sweet. Not necessarily sanitary.
Kate: When I am a mother, I'm never letting my children out of my sight.
Tony: Ya, how do you plan on doing that?
Kate: GPS locators strapped to the ankle, audio and video surveillance built into their clothes.
Tony: No, I mean the part about becoming a mother.
Tony med sina dumma, mer eller mindre kvinno-förnedrande kommentarer... å andra sidan är det därför Gibbs smäller till han i bakhuvudet jämt...
i bakhuvudet gör det inget att man slår, tycker jag... typ som en örfil, fast bakhuvudet... örfilar man nån i ansiktet så är det ju förnedrande, örfilar man nån i bakhuvudet så är det ett "wake-upp-call"...
Ziva: At Mossad we have a saying: Knives don't run out of bullets. Now, any questions pertaining to this class?
Tony: I've got one. You ever killed anyone with a spoon?
Ziva: No, but I'm seriously considering it."
Ziva: Hinky? What's hinky?
Tony: You know, like when your gut is telling you something.
Ziva: In my country we refer to that as gas.
Tony (looking at McGee asleep on the table): Do you have any superglue Abbs?
(Gibbs enters room and smacks tony on the head)
Gibbs: What did I tell you about that DiNozzo?
Tony: That, next time, the skin might not grow back?!
(Gibbs häller i kaffe i Jennys kopp från sin egen)
Jenny: That was sweet. Not necessarily sanitary.
Kate: When I am a mother, I'm never letting my children out of my sight.
Tony: Ya, how do you plan on doing that?
Kate: GPS locators strapped to the ankle, audio and video surveillance built into their clothes.
Tony: No, I mean the part about becoming a mother.
Tony med sina dumma, mer eller mindre kvinno-förnedrande kommentarer... å andra sidan är det därför Gibbs smäller till han i bakhuvudet jämt...
i bakhuvudet gör det inget att man slår, tycker jag... typ som en örfil, fast bakhuvudet... örfilar man nån i ansiktet så är det ju förnedrande, örfilar man nån i bakhuvudet så är det ett "wake-upp-call"...